Ferry Zalk - Veecaten (near junction 3) It could easily be the to-and-werewolf from Pluk van de Petteflet. Call three times and you will be taken to the other side. This centuries-old foot ferry connection is the only one of the six ferries that once operated in the municipality of Kampen. In the past, it was mainly used for the passage of children from Veecaten who went to school in Zalk and for churchgoers who went to church in Zalk. By the way, it still has that last function.
Sailing times:
April, May and September: 10am - 6pm
June to August: 10am - 6pm and 7pm - 9pm
Zalk nature development in the floodplains (between junctions 3 and 76)
As part of the Rijkswaterstaat project\"Room for the river\\\" floodplains are being redesigned in 5 different places due to nature compensation. In the Zalkerbosch, the existing hardwood floodplain forest will be expanded by 5 hectares. Ooibos developed naturally along rivers. Ewe is an old word for wet ground near a river. Softwood riparian forests occur in many damp places along the rivers. These forests are dominated by willows. Hardwood riparian forests are forests of the higher, drier parts of the floodplains and often consist of oak, elm and ash. These are much rarer in the Netherlands. The Zalkerbosch is one of the few locations in the Netherlands where this still occurs. It is even considered the best developed hardwood riparian forest in the Netherlands.
Reevediep (between junction 44 and De Chalmotweg)
The Reevediep is one of the largest"space for the river\\\" measures in the Netherlands. Not only in terms of space taken up, but especially in terms of the contribution made to water safety in the area from Zwolle, Hattem, Elburg to Kampen and Zwartewaterland. The Reevediep creates a more than 6 km long connection between the IJssel and the Veluwerandmeren. The approximately 350 hectares of new nature that will be created will mainly consist of wet nature that strengthens the character of the river delta, such as reed marshes and open water.
Residents of this area have always had to deal with high water. Characteristic farms from that time were therefore built on mounds. In the past, this area was regularly flooded by the IJssel and the former Zuiderzee. On the other side of the road, the last major expansion of the city of Kampen has been realized, the Onderdijks residential area.
Wheels or vortexes (between De Chalmotweg and junction 40)
You regularly see wheels (or eddies) along old river dikes. These beautiful quiet waters are the remains of dike breaches, sometimes caused by drifting ice. This has created deep holes, up to 10 meters deep. The sand from the chamber was deposited behind the chamber. When it broke through, the force of the water was so great that the dike could no longer be closed. A new section of dike was then built around the chamber. There are three chambers here along the Venedijk Noord. Four more can be found south of the high-water channel along the Venedijk Zuid.
De Enk nature reserve (between Rijksweg N50 and junction 69)
Here you see reed fields of the De Enk nature reserve with the viaducts of the Hanzelijn and the Rijksweg N50 in the background (the point where the Reevediep crosses this infrastructure). De Enk nature reserve is a remnant of an old estuary of the former Zuiderzee. The Zuiderzee regularly invaded the area. The area that was isolated for a long time is part of the approximately 350 hectares of new nature that is being created in the Reevediep. In the spring, the black tern is a loyal visitor to De Enk. Birds naturally build their nests on floating water plants, but here, as elsewhere in our country, they are given a helping hand by placing artificial nest rafts.
Zwartendijk (past junction 69 at Bovenbroeksweg)
Zwartendijk is an old sea wall that protected Kampen against the former Zuiderzee. There have been many dike breaches here, as can be seen from the many gullies. They are silent witnesses to disasters that have occurred here in the past.
Nature compensation (beginning of Buitendijksweg)
In addition to meadow birds, a number of other protected bird species also benefit from the mandatory nature compensation. This concerns the barn owl, long-eared owl, little owl, buzzard and house sparrow. In the immediate vicinity of the Reevediep, measures have been taken to compensate for the habitat lost for these species. Consider, for example, the construction of flower-rich grassland and brush areas in the vicinity of the Buitendijksweg that should serve as a feeding area for owls and buzzards, but also consider installing nest boxes at farms and homes for the house sparrow.
New swamp area (halfway along Buitendijksweg)
In 2014, 8 hectares of reed marsh were created here in anticipation of the construction of the Reevediep. Ultimately, this should grow into a swamp area of more than 40 hectares where special reed birds such as the great reed warbler, the strangely honking bittern and porcelain grouse, but also the lake bat feel at home. The fact that the swamp area is special is evident from the fact that Brussels has awarded a LIFE+ subsidy for the construction of the swamp area. In a few years, residents and recreationists will be able to fully enjoy the new nature through the construction of a navigation channel and various walking, strolling and cycling paths.
Godwit looking for farmer (intermediate junction 67 and 68)
Many animal and plant species will benefit from the construction of the Reevediep, but unfortunately this does not apply to meadow birds. Because part of the open meadow area southwest of Kampen is being lost, a new home must be found elsewhere for bird species such as the godwit, lapwing and redshank. With the special campaign"Godwit seeks farmer\\\" farmers in the region have been called on to design and manage part of their land as optimal habitat for meadow birds. Farmers in Kamperveen are also participating in this!
The city gates of Kampen
This is the Broederpoort, one of the three gates that remain from the medieval defenses around the Hanseatic city. Built in the 15th century, just like the Cellebroederspoort, the most important gate on the city side. In the 16th century, foreigners were only allowed to enter the city through the gate, with its thick insulating walls it also served as a refrigerator for a while! In winter, large pieces of ice from the canal were stored in it, and they could use it to cool meat and fish until summer.
The old tile
It takes some searching, but it's really there. On the Broederbrug there is a tile with the inscription"KP7\\\", the 7 church point. If you look around you, your gaze will catch no fewer than 7 churches. Freedom of religion in Kampen has meant that every Christian movement was allowed to build its own church. That is why there are 10 churches and 2 theological universities within a stone's throw of each other.
Camper sturgeon (near junction 41)
On the east side of the river you can see a large fish on the water in the summer months, just in front of the station. This is the famous Kamper sturgeon. A fish of up to six meters long and equipped with a bell. It was once intended as a main course for the bishop who would delight Kampen with a working visit in the 17th century, but just when the cook wanted to fillet the sturgeon, the bishop was unable to attend. The chance that they would ever catch such a big fish again was very small. The people of Kampen therefore decided to put a silver bell on the sturgeon and throw it back into the IJssel. This way they hoped they could hear where he was sitting. Sadly, they never heard from him again!
Mill Bridge
We cycle here under the Molenbrug. This is the southernmost of the three bridges over the IJssel near Kampen, where the summer bed lowering begins. Over a length of 7.5 kilometers from the Molenbrug to the Eilandbrug, the river will be deepened by an average of 2 meters. This summer bed reduction ensures that the IJssel can drain more water at high tide. The Molenbrug is located right next to the D\\\'Olde Zwarver mill, which explains the name of the bridge, but colloquially this bridge is usually called"the new bridge\\\".
Route offered by: Isala IJsseldelta