You discover more when you need pay less attention to the route

You discover more when you need pay less attention to the route

Ratings and reviews

4.5 / 5

9.1K reviews

Over 1,400,000 downloads!

Anaid11, 19-5-2019
Super app
We have been using the app for over a year. PREMIUM is well worth the price. Nothing in life is free. Beautiful routes that we thoroughly enjoy and which take us to the loveliest places. Keep it up!

Roosje211, 14-4-2019
What an awesome app!
This app works perfectly, really pleased with it. Did a 10 kilometre walk this morning in the Zoutelande area with this app and it shows you the way perfectly!

Paul Rilland, 20-6-2019
Super app!
We use this app to create cycling routes and it works really well! Tried others but we think this is the best. So we decided on a paid account. You can then save more routes. Request: make it easier to add an extra loop to the route halfway through.

You can use the app to...

Find routes

Find routes

Create routes

Create routes

Follow routes

Follow routes

Download routes

Download routes

Download the walking and cycling routes app free!

  • 150,000 routes in your back pocket
  • Find the best routes nearby quickly
  • Easily plan routes yourself in the app
  • Spoken walking and cycling navigation (iOS & Android)
  • Over 1,400,000 downloads!
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