Tourist landmark

De Grote Zandgroeve

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The Goudsberg (also called Lunterseberg) was used for centuries for excavating sand and gravel. Heavy manual work for the diggers and heavy work for the draft horses to bridge the height differences, along loose roads. Sand extraction has increased enormously after the war. Many roads and houses have been built with sand from the large sand quarry. As a result, the appearance of the landscape has changed significantly. The deep valley that lies between the highest point of the area - the Piek - and the Lindeboomsberg, used to be a peak: the Hooge Berg. The large sand quarry has not been in use for several decades. Some small excavations are still visible. Even earlier, a lot of gravel was extracted using pure manual labor. The precious gravel was transported to collection depots by horse and cart. Rightfully 'the gold of the Goudsberg'.

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6741 JR Ede
Gelderland The Netherlands

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