\\\"Where the three meandering Nethes tie a silver knot; where suddenly the pot-bellied, abundantly horned Brabant separates from the dreamy, lean Kempenland, there it is.\\\" Lier, a pleasant town on the Nete, will forever be associated with the name of writer Felix Timmermans.
From 13th child to bon vivant Felix Timmermans was born on 5 July 1886 as the thirteenth of fourteen children. At the age of 17 he published for the first time in"Vlaamsche Arbeid\\\". At first he wrote rather gloomy works. But after a serious illness the tide turned and"Pallieter\\\" (1916) flowed from his hand, an ode to life. In the meantime the words"pallieter\\\" and"pallieteren\\\" have even been included in the official word list of the Dutch language! In 1922 he received the Triennial State Prize for Flemish Literature for his novella"De zeer schoone uren van Juffrouw Symforosa begijntjen\\\". His work was published in 27 languages. In 1947 he died of heart failure, leaving behind an impressive oeuvre.
With Timmermans through Lier
The beguinage was a great source of inspiration for Timmermans. Next to the Sint-Margaritakerk is the statue of the graceful Symforosa. She is the main character in the novella'De zeer schone uren van Juffrouw Symforosa, begijntje\\\'. Then, at the junction of the Grote and Kleine Nete, you come across the memorial plaque for Timmermans, which was placed 50 years after his death. Of course, you should not miss his birthplace, at Heyderstraat 30. Furthermore, as you walk, you come across an abundance of references: the statue'Paard van Pallieter\\\', the statue of Pallieter himself, café Pallieter, ...
Pallietering along the water
In addition to cobblestone streets, the Zimmertoren and cozy shopping streets, Lier also has a 5km long city wall. This green belt embraces the city and it is wonderful to stroll along the Nete on sunny days. Fancy a culinary treat? Then go for a cup of locally roasted coffee accompanied by a Liers Vlaaike. You simply cannot miss this day!
Ask for the brochure at Visit Lier and follow the arrows through the Netestad.