South of Lommel, various heathlands stretch out and together form a large natural whole. A selection of the various domains through which this cycle route leads are the huge forests of the Hoeverbergen, the private estate of the Hoeverheide and the Kattenbosserheide, where cultural-historical elements are still present in the landscape. There were virtually no forests until the end of the 19th century. The forests of Hoeverbergen show the combined forces of three surrounding municipalities and the Flemish government: more than 4,500 hectares of healthy trees and more than 1,000 hectares of private forest form an immense forest, which has been planted since 1850 on a previously relatively barren agricultural area and drifting sands. At that time, the coniferous forests still served an important economic purpose and were used for wood production, which mainly supplied prop wood for mine galleries. The coniferous forests of the Hoeverbergen, together with the terrils and the mining towers, are therefore still the silent witnesses of Limburg's rich mining past. Even today, the forests mainly consist of conifers; the Corsican and Scots pine cover 90% of the forest area. The Hoeverbergen also borders the Hoeverheide domain, a private estate with an area of 70 hectares. The domain first came into private ownership when it was bought from the municipality of Helchteren in 1860 by Senator Leon Leirens-Eliaert. He had a small castle built in Tuscan style on the estate. To top it all off, he built a number of service residences around it and had a park built in the English landscape style. The vegetation on the estate today consists mainly of coniferous wood, but is gradually being transformed into a mixed forest with natural transitions. In the middle of the area are inland dunes and there is also a parabolic dune here. The nightjar, the goldcrest and the firecrest breed among the trees and shrubs. They have chosen a quiet accommodation with a beautiful view, because the castle and the park, with exotic plants including two giant sequoias, are still intact. If you want to enter the domain, you can do so if you make an appointment with the owner. A last noteworthy piece of nature that this bike ride takes you past is the Kattenbosserheide. Here, too, mainly Scots pines have been planted, but in the heart of the area, hidden between the trees, is a beautiful heath. In addition, a historic mill and a German military cemetery can be found in the area. Another special element are the found burial mounds of the urnfield culture from prehistoric times. Special excavated objects from this area are exhibited in the Museum Ons Erfgoed in Lommel.