4227 routes found
Lauwersmeer Marnewaard
Dokkum and Frisian villages
Block around
Around the block Trynwlden
Tour of Het Hogeland/lauwersmeer
Eleven cities 21
20 km hantum
Lauwersoog 25122020
Between Rif and Westerplas
Groningen-Zoutkamp-Zuidhorn from Lauwersoog
Gran Fondo Groningen
mud hole
Tour of Friesland
From Coevorden to Ameland
Leeuwarden - Dokkum
Dokkum - Harlingen
Day 4 Old Bildtzijl Dokkum Bartlehiem Leeuwarden
Tour of Lauwersoog
Tour of the Hogeland salt camp 24032021
around dock 24032021
at Holwerd
Strobos the 4 Elements Lauwersmeer
round 4 Elements Stroobos
Pentecost 316
11-Fountains route 4
Tour of Lauwersmeer
around Lauwersoog
Route through Schiermonnikoog
Round SW of Esonstad
Eson City
left of winsum
Moped trip
Eleven Cities Tour by bicycle
Grootegast - Zoutkamp - Grootegast (66.5 km)
Lauwersmeer tour (49.0 km)
Lauwersmeer 44 Km
New Statenzijl to Kornwerd
LUS Easterein Leeuwarden Dokkum 11 Cities
zwagwest./broeksterw./damwold. 05052020
Lauwersland round
LF14 Route2 Zoutkamp-ferry Aduarderzijl 35 or 44km
LF14 Route1 Zoutkamp-Lauwersoog 26.3km
Cycled June 9