The border between the Germanic and Roman Empires is a striking archaeological monument with a length of 550 km and has been a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 2005. The Limes cycle route follows the former border for 440 km from Miltenberg to Regensburg. Between Theilenhofen and Kelheim, it runs for 115 km through the Altmühltal Nature Park, past numerous testimonies of Roman settlements.
In addition, the route is not only something for lovers of cultural history, but the landscape is also very fascinating. The first stage starts in Gunzenhausen and leads the cyclists to the Altmühltal Nature Park. You soon discover Weißenburg's Roman roots. The reconstructed North Tower of Biriciana Castle, the well-preserved Thermen and the RömerMuseum with Bavarian Limes information center. Further highlights are the Römer and Bajuwarenmuseum at Burg Kipfenberg and Castle Abusina near Eining.