Liberation cycle route (10) Tour: Reusel - Arendonk with 30 war memories

Reusel-De Mierden, North Brabant, The Netherlands

Cycling route: 3936925

Provided by: W.J.van , Noord-Brabant

48.7 km
02:52 h
859 kcal
44 m


This is a cycle tour that starts at a museum and where the guides can tell you a story about each piece! You will also pass a place where an RAF Lancaster crashed. And at D\\\'n Oude Brandtoren the owner can take you on a walk by appointment where he will tell you the whole story about the Circles in the woods.

We wish you lots of cycling fun!

Thematic routes Multi-day tours Fort Route

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# Description Distance
Museum De Bewogen Jaren (Schoolstraat, 5095AW, Reusel-De Mierden, North Brabant, The Netherlands) 0.00 km
76 (5096BA, Reusel-De Mierden, North Brabant, The Netherlands) 3.04 km
Kruidenlucht (Kranenberg, 5529 NE, Bladel, North Brabant, The Netherlands) 9.00 km
72 (Kranenberg, 5529NE, Bladel, North Brabant, The Netherlands) 9.04 km
33 (5528NT, Bladel, North Brabant, The Netherlands) 11.28 km
L103: Dankzij de ondergrondse (Groenstraat, 5528NT, Bladel, North Brabant, The Netherlands) 11.65 km


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