Cycling around Denderwindeke

Herne, Flanders, Belgium

Cycling route: 174268

Provided by: Groots Genieten

56.6 km
03:19 h
997 kcal
92 m


In the heart of Belgium lie two tranquil cycling areas: the Denderstreek and Pajottenland. With this route you will visit both adjacent regions. You cycle through a mostly rolling and green landscape that becomes flatter as you approach the river Dender. In this part of Belgium you will still find the friendly old-fashioned peace and hospitality along the way. The Dendersteek owes its name to the 65 kilometre long river Dender that eventually flows into the Scheldt. A small part of the route you accompany the meandering river. You cycle through Ninove, among other places, the interesting town that was once described as the 'Oldest, Stoutest and Wisest of Cities'. Via the course of the Dender you continue to Pamel, a village where you can find plenty of fresh strawberries and raspberries in season. From Pamel you cycle into the rural Pajottenland. The locals sometimes call their region the 'Tuscany of the North'. Humor, pride or both? Who knows. Humor is certainly not foreign to the Pajotten (Payot was once the French name for a regional soldier). The name Pajottenland comes from a playful text from 1845. Moreover, the most famous Pajot is undoubtedly the comedian Urbanus, he still lives in Pajottenland. In Pajottenland you will find many old square farms, especially in the valleys and near springs. You will also regularly see a typical chapel along the road. In Herne you will pass a Carthusian monastery from the fourteenth century, the oldest in the Netherlands. The original building was demolished by Protestants in 1580, only the gate with the guest quarters from 1710 are still standing. The first Dutch-language Bible, the Hernse Bijbel, was written in this monastery around 1360.

Height Profile


# Description Distance
18 (Rendries, 1540, Herne, Flanders, Belgium) 0.00 km
7 (1540, Herne, Flanders, Belgium) 1.53 km
7 (1540, Herne, Flanders, Belgium) 1.56 km
5 (1541, Herne, Flanders, Belgium) 4.77 km
6 (1570, Galmaarden, Flanders, Belgium) 9.33 km
65 (1570, Galmaarden, Flanders, Belgium) 10.58 km


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