Old-fashioned peace and space, conviviality, good food and cycling? Then you quickly think of Twente. This route takes you through the Northeast Twente National Landscape, just near the border with Germany. You drive through a landscape consisting of hedgerows, moist forests, grasslands and moraines. The parcellation pattern, the historic estates and nature are in complete harmony here. The ash landscape that you can cycle through so peacefully dates back to the early Middle Ages. Southwest of De Lutte you cycle through the grasslands of Boerskotten. If you look closely, you will see orchids among the grass, but heath and shrub heath also thrive here. The forests consist of native tree species such as oak, beech and rowan. You hear many birds here. Some sing, such as the chiffchaff and song thrush, but the black woodpecker drums and laughs. A little later you drive through the Haagse Bos, a hidden gem. The former production forest has been transformed into a more natural habitat. Woodpeckers have taken up residence there, as have coal tits, crested tits and firecrests. Moreover, you can just see deer or hares rushing past. The land here is veined with various streams and the river De Dinkel. You cycle a bit through the Dinkeldal. Don't drive too fast, so you can enjoy every meter. After all, this valley is one of the few natural and strongly meandering streams in the Netherlands. In this region you automatically switch down a few gears. This is surprising, because there are many monumental farms in and around Losser. In De Lutte it is also tempting to stop every now and then to admire a beautiful monument.