The narrowest part of the Netherlands

Echt-Susteren, Limburg, The Netherlands

Cycling route: 140584

based on 2 reviews

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30.6 km
01:47 h
538 kcal
65 m


The Limburg village of Montfort may be located in the narrowest part of the Netherlands, but you will find plenty of nature here. This route takes you through the Munningsbos and the Haeselaarsbroek. You will also pass through charming German villages such as Waldfeucht and Saeffelen.

In this border area you cycle on low-traffic roads and paths through a gently sloping landscape of forests, fields and meadows. How peaceful it is here! Just past Koningsbosch you pass through the humid Haeselaarbroek. This former swamp is now one of the most valuable dragonfly areas in the Netherlands.

In Montfort you will pass the Roerdriehoek Museum. This museum is dedicated to local history during the Second World War and is open every first Sunday of the month from 10am to 2pm. The Munningsbos (dialect for monks' forest) is located on both banks of the Vlootbeek. Conifers, oaks and alders grow in this old and untouched forest. It is wonderful to cycle here, now and then a woodpecker breaks the silence with a drumbeat or a laugh.

Cultural routes City park Forest Nature Route E-bike routes Monument routes Camping Museum Holiday resort

Height Profile

You do not want to miss this

Below you will find various suggestions for breaks that you can visit during your route. These are divided into different categories, making it easy for you to choose.


# Description Distance
68 (6105AN, Echt-Susteren, Limburg, The Netherlands) 0.00 km
33 (52525, Waldfeucht, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany) 4.86 km
31 (52525, Waldfeucht, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany) 7.85 km
48 (Kapellenstraße, 52525, Waldfeucht, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany) 9.02 km
47 (52525, Waldfeucht, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany) 10.70 km
22 (6104RB, Echt-Susteren, Limburg, The Netherlands) 18.18 km


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