Tour of the Loosdrechtse Lakes

Stichtse Vecht, Utrecht, The Netherlands

Cycling route: 138250

based on 3 reviews

Provided by: Groots Genieten

54.7 km
03:12 h
963 kcal
20 m


In the Loosdrechtse Plassen nature reserve, water and water sports are the main features. The lakes consist of various waters that are separated by dikes and islands. The central part is a protected zone for birds and plants. The route leads past historical sites and picturesque landscapes. In Lage Vuursche you pass estates such as Pijnenbrug and Drakensteyn. The latter is owned by Princess Beatrix. Although her flag of distinction often flies there after her abdication, it is not known whether she already lives there permanently. The area has a wealth of sights to see. Grain mill De Ruiter in Vreeland is just 4 km away. Anyone who is curious about the interior can visit the mill. Another type of mill is the hollow post mill De Trouwe Waghter from 1832 in Tienhoven. This was used to drain the polder with a scoop wheel. A monument of a completely different order is Fort Tienhoven. It is a good example of when natural forces are given free rein.
Forest Cultural routes Nature Route Fort Route E-bike routes Monument routes Country house Windmill Fort Castle

Height Profile


# Description Distance
25 (3632NW, Stichtse Vecht, Utrecht, The Netherlands) 0.00 km
76 (Oud Over, 3632VD, Stichtse Vecht, Utrecht, The Netherlands) 0.34 km
4 (Oud Over, 3633VZ, Stichtse Vecht, Utrecht, The Netherlands) 2.74 km
De Ruiter (3633XT, Stichtse Vecht, Utrecht, The Netherlands) 3.95 km
4 (Oud Over, 3633VZ, Stichtse Vecht, Utrecht, The Netherlands) 5.16 km
5 (1231NX, Wijdemeren, North Holland, The Netherlands) 7.70 km


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