Artistic cycling in and around Borgloon

Borgloon, Flanders, Belgium

Cycling route: 1274078

based on 2 reviews

Provided by: Tourist Info

38.7 km
02:16 h
682 kcal
118 m


Cycling in a constantly changing setting of fruity orchards, lush fields, ancient castles, beautiful views, rolling hills with vines, spiced with a 'spicy' piece of art... Welcome to Borgloon! Jump on your bike at the tourist reception in the Fruitbelevingscentrum Stroopfabriek located between junctions 152 and 136. Here you can get great tips for on the road and bike rental. The highlight along the route is the famous see-through church by Gijs Van Vaerenbergh 'Reading between the Lines' according to the British newspaper The Guardian the most beautiful spot in Belgium! Stop at the floating chapel 'Helsh(ea)ven', a work of art by Frits Jeuris in Helshoven, and enjoy a beautiful view over the fruity landscape. Via the old fruit trail you cycle past Mariënlof Abbey, where the artwork 'Untitled #158' by Aeneas Wilder offers a 360° view of the beautiful valley.

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Tourist Info

Are you going out in Belgium? and can you use some extra information before you get on your bike or start your hike? Then pay a visit to one of the many Tourist Information points that you can find throughout Belgium. away. Then you can be well prepared with great tips from locals.

You do not want to miss this

Below you will find various suggestions for breaks that you can visit during your route. These are divided into different categories, making it easy for you to choose.


# Description Distance
Fruitbelevingscentrum Stroopfabriek Borgloon (De Smaakfabriek, 3840, Borgloon, Flanders, Belgium) 0.00 km
152 (3840, Borgloon, Flanders, Belgium) 1.44 km
154 (3840, Borgloon, Flanders, Belgium) 1.91 km
155 (3840, Borgloon, Flanders, Belgium) 4.75 km
151 (3840, Borgloon, Flanders, Belgium) 7.10 km
161 (Romeinse Kassei, 3870, Heers, Flanders, Belgium) 10.16 km


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