Fruitbelevingscentrum Stroopfabriek Borgloon
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Fruitbelevingscentrum Stroopfabriek Borgloon

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Discover the fertile past and the fruity future of the Stroopfabriek and the Haspengouw fruit region. In the fruit experience center, you can follow the path that a tasty piece of fruit travels at your own pace using fun experience modules, from budding fruit to its processing in delicious regional products such as Loon syrup. Everything is aimed at making the experience for young and old as great as possible. After your visit, spoil your taste buds with a visit to the local produce shop. Those who like to put their feet under the table can visit bistro 'De Smaakfabriek' for delicious regional dishes.

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De Smaakfabriek 8
3840 Borgloon
Flanders Belgium

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