7710 routes found
Along the Dokkummer EE via Birdaard
Pond route Grou via Warten and Veenhoop
Municipality of Leeuwarden
Municipality of Littenseradiel
Municipality of Harlingen
Municipality of Franekeradeel
Municipality of Menaldumadeel
Municipality of Het Bildt
Municipality of Leeuwarderadeel
Municipality of Tytsjerksteradiel
Route Jutrijp-Harlingen-Jutrijp
Oudeschouw sibrandaburen oudschouw
schagen to outpost
Healaanspad (ANWB)
40 km Marssum 290317
Leeuwarden - Heerenveen (part 11 cities, day 4)
Leeuwarden-Wadden coast-Leeuwarden
Tour Wergea, Warten, Suwald, Leeuwarden
30 km Oentsjerk 070417
From Stiens to Sneek
route Goutum
From Franeker to Bakkeveen
Workum back to Franeker via Bolsward
35 km Marrum 150217
35 km Marrum 170217
From Wons to Dronrijp
20 km Finkum - Ee - Wanswert 011016
Smallest North Loop 27 km
East loop of the 8 of Grou 32km
South loop of the 8 of Grou 42 km
Small North loop of the 8 of Grou 33 km
Great North loop of the 8 of Grou 74 km
East loop of the 8 of Grou 47 km
35 km Marrum 301216
Butenfjildoute ANWB
Ee and Boarne route ANWB
Leeghlanpad ANWB
Legeansterpad ANWB
Ljou and Jorwertpaad ANWB
Small waterways Fryslân
Frisian Waterways
Tour of Camping De Zeehoeve to Franeker (Planetarium)
around Tjeukemeer
Albert\\\'s 8tje Grou-Earnewâld
Albert\\\'s Rondje Grou-Drachten
Alde Venen 1
Alde Venen 2
Road Terherne