Soest and its beautiful surroundings

Baarn, Utrecht, The Netherlands

Cycling route: 983910

Provided by: A.H.M., Noord-Holland

49.0 km
02:52 h
864 kcal
48 m


Start from the parking lot at Paleis Soestdijk (or park in a street in Soest). The route goes through Baarn, Soest, Den Dolder, Huis ter Heide, Zeist, Austerlitz (then follow ANWB Paddenstoelen), Woudenberg, Leusden and Soesterberg.

Attention 1: At junction 93 there is a delicious pancake restaurant
Attention 2: After junction 69, you must take the road to the right to junction 68. Due to adjustments to the roundabout, a junction sign has disappeared.
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# Description Distance
65 (Amsterdamsestraatweg, 3743AB, Baarn, Utrecht, The Netherlands) 0.00 km
40 (3743AC, Soest, Utrecht, The Netherlands) 0.26 km
62 (3744, Soest, Utrecht, The Netherlands) 3.24 km
26 (3763LJ, Soest, Utrecht, The Netherlands) 4.70 km
61 (Wieksloterweg Oostzijde, 3766LS, Soest, Utrecht, The Netherlands) 5.13 km
57 (3766AE, Soest, Utrecht, The Netherlands) 6.53 km


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