This walking route is for anyone who is interested in visual arts and is curious about "stories behind the images". This is followed by a beautiful route along a quiet stretch of Westland coast.
Walking route along visual arts
The first part of the walking route (the art walk) was devised by Arnold Beugelsdijk. He is a visual artist and lives in Monster. He was asked to purchase visual works of art with a team for the public space in 's-Gravenzande. This is to introduce the population to art by contemporary Dutch sculptors. There are currently more than 25 statues in 's-Gravenzande and the Heenweg. That is unique in Westland. The walking route takes you through the center of 's-Gravenzande past 8 of these impressive statues.
and a beautiful stretch of Westland coast
The route then follows to the dunes and the Banken water area. Enjoy birds and animals in the dunes and the wide, rugged beach.
Organized art walk
You can also walk the first part, the art walk, with Arnold himself. During the walk he passionately tells a beautiful story about all the works of art. Who is the artist? What materials are used? And what is the idea behind the image?
He has now walked the'art walk\\\' with small and large groups of interested parties, past a number of statues. Arnold:"It is always nice to see that my fellow hikers start looking at the images with'different eyes\\\' during the tour.\\\"
The organized art route lasts more than 2 hours and costs € 15 pp incl. coffee/tea and something tasty. You can book the walking tour via 06-41720276.
There is free parking at the starting point, the library of 's-Gravenzande.