Von Uffenbach Route part 5 (Amersfoort - Utrecht)

Amersfoort, Utrecht, The Netherlands

Cycling route: 978243

Provided by: route.nl

53.9 km
03:10 h
949 kcal
44 m


This route is based on the book" A pleasure trip in the summer of 1718 , the Von Uffenbach family in the Netherlands\\\".

The route has been created with the permission and cooperation of the author Dr. Johan R. ter Molen and Waanders Uitgevers in Zwolle. For an optimal experience, we recommend that you order the book here .

Each part of the route starts and ends near a train station, so you can also complete all stages as a day trip. This part of the routes relates to pages 98 to 104 in the book

Via the Utrechtse Heuvelrug you cycle successively to the Pyramid of Austerlitz, Castle Nieuw Amelisweerd, Castle Heemstede, Slot Zeist and Utrecht.

Railway station Watchtower Castle

Height Profile


# Description Distance
station Amersfoort (Stationshal, 3818LE, Amersfoort, Utrecht, The Netherlands) 0.00 km
80 (3832 RD, Leusden, Utrecht, The Netherlands) 3.15 km
63 (3832RD, Leusden, Utrecht, The Netherlands) 3.65 km
51 (3832RK, Leusden, Utrecht, The Netherlands) 5.45 km
93 (3832RT, Leusden, Utrecht, The Netherlands) 7.68 km
Pyramide van Austerlitz (3931MG, Woudenberg, Utrecht, The Netherlands) 12.57 km


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