Dude weekend 2018

Berlin, Berlin, Germany

Cycling route: 814629

Provided by: Jasper

22.8 km
01:20 h
402 kcal
43 m


Cycle route past some of the most beautiful sights, with a drink stop at a beer garden and a snack stop at the Burgermeister in between.
Memorial Tourist landmark

Height Profile

0 m50 m

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Your starting point


10179 Berlin

Rathaus Passagen

Rathausstraße 1
10178 Berlin

U5 Tunnelbau

10178 Berlin

Berlin Alexanderplatz

10178 Berlin

Radnetz Deutschland

10179 Berlin

Parking 68 in Berlijn, Duitsland

Hanns-Eisler-Straße 52
10409 Berlin


# Description Distance
Grunerstraße, 10179, Berlin, Berlin, Germany 0.00 km
Pariser Platz, 10117, Berlin, Berlin, Germany 2.51 km
Bison-Statue (Liegender Bison Ⅱ, 10787, Berlin, Berlin, Germany) 6.64 km
Kaiser-Wilhelm-Gedächtniskirche (Old Bell Tower, 10789, Berlin, Berlin, Germany) 8.74 km
Friedrich Wilhelm III. von Preußen (Frederick William III of Prussia, Berlin, Berlin, Germany) 11.70 km
Potsdamer Platz (Potsdamer Platz, 10785, Berlin, Berlin, Germany) 12.75 km

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