Tour of Deventer along history and natural beauty

Olst-Wijhe, Overijssel, The Netherlands

Cycling route: 710330

based on 1 reviews

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54.3 km
03:11 h
957 kcal
14 m


In the countryside of Deventer you cycle through a semi-open coulisse landscape that is characterized by small-scale and tranquility. In the old center you can enjoy the rich cultural history and coziness. You pass an old manor: Groen Hoenlo. In the beautiful Olst you pass the thirteenth-century village church. Cycling along the IJsseldijk you see the forests of two estates: De Haere and Nieuw-Rande. Deventer is a beautiful gem on the IJssel. At the tree-lined Brink you see De Waag, a beautiful museum from 1531. The Grote Kerkhof is dominated by the old town hall and the Lebuïnuskerk. What a wonderful atmosphere. The last part of the route you can fully enjoy the natural beauty of Overijssel. Take a break in Lettele at Restaurant BRAS-KOER!
Bicycle cafe Castle Restaurant

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Below you will find various suggestions for breaks that you can visit during your route. These are divided into different categories, making it easy for you to choose.


# Description Distance
Boxbergen (8121PX, Olst-Wijhe, Overijssel, The Netherlands) 0.00 km
75 (Boxbergerweg, 8124PA, Olst-Wijhe, Overijssel, The Netherlands) 0.32 km
75 (8121PX, Olst-Wijhe, Overijssel, The Netherlands) 0.40 km
74 (8121RE, Olst-Wijhe, Overijssel, The Netherlands) 3.07 km
68 (8121 RC, Olst-Wijhe, Overijssel, The Netherlands) 5.72 km
72 (8121DV, Olst-Wijhe, Overijssel, The Netherlands) 7.28 km


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