Tour of Utrecht's gems

Bunnik, Utrecht, The Netherlands

Cycling route: 545844

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49.9 km
02:56 h
879 kcal
12 m


At Stayokay Utrecht - Bunnik, located in the Rhijnauwen country house, you first have a cup of coffee in the café in the coach house. Then you get on your bike. First you cycle past Fort Rijnauwen, with 32 hectares the largest fortress of the New Dutch Waterline. The fort was built at the end of the nineteenth century. Nowadays the fort and the surrounding area serve as a nature reserve. This beautiful route also takes you right through Utrecht. Along the way you discover historical places such as the Knight's Court City Den Ham, Fort aan de Klop and Houtzaagmolen De Ster. You also pass Molen Rijn en Zon, a corn mill from 1913 that still regularly turns. On the way back you pass Fort Vechten, with the Waterliniemuseum.

Height Profile


# Description Distance
Stayokay Utrecht - Bunnik (Rhijnauwenselaan, 3981 HH, Bunnik, Utrecht, The Netherlands) 0.00 km
41 (Dwarslaan, 3981HH, Bunnik, Utrecht, The Netherlands) 0.36 km
37 (3582TZ, Utrecht, Utrecht, The Netherlands) 4.25 km
96 (3582CW, Utrecht, Utrecht, The Netherlands) 4.77 km
80 (3582AS, Utrecht, Utrecht, The Netherlands) 5.48 km
38 (3582EA, Utrecht, Utrecht, The Netherlands) 5.53 km


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