The beautiful surroundings of Huizen

Huizen, North Holland, The Netherlands

Cycling route: 538659

based on 5 reviews

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64.8 km
03:48 h
1141 kcal
30 m


Around Huizen you can cycle wonderfully over the heath and through the polders of the Gelderse Vallei. This route also takes you through Flevoland.

Hulkestein Forest
Via the Stichtse Brug you cycle from Huizen to Flevoland. It remains a strange idea to cycle in an area where less than a century ago the Zuiderzee waved and raged. You have beautiful views over the Eemmeer, on the other side lies Spakenburg. In the Hulkesteinse Bos you see a rich and varied vegetation. It is nice and quiet and fresh here, a real pleasure to cycle through.

Just past the Arkersluis you will pass the eighteenth-century Sluishuis. From the Zeedijk you look out over the Nijkerkernauw, on the left you see the fourteenth-century Arkemheenpolder, one of the oldest in the Netherlands. Through the polders you cycle to the Tafelberg heath. At junction 80 you are almost at the highest point of the Gooi: the 36-metre-high sand ridge called the Tafelberg!

Bicycle cafe Restaurant Hotel

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You do not want to miss this

Below you will find various suggestions for breaks that you can visit during your route. These are divided into different categories, making it easy for you to choose.


# Description Distance
77 (1271AD, Huizen, North Holland, The Netherlands) 0.00 km
76 (1273RP, Huizen, North Holland, The Netherlands) 1.91 km
75 (Deltazijde, 1261ZM, Blaricum, North Holland, The Netherlands) 4.36 km
46 (3896LG, Almere, Flevoland, The Netherlands) 6.27 km
37 (3751HA, Zeewolde, Flevoland, The Netherlands) 12.36 km
38 (3896MA, Zeewolde, Flevoland, The Netherlands) 14.30 km


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