Cycling between Dune Belt and Terhills 50 km

Oudsbergen, Flanders, Belgium

Cycling route: 5065268

Provided by: Frans v Dijk Noord Brabant

49.9 km
02:56 h
879 kcal
96 m


With this cycle route you explore the northern part of the Hoge Kempen National Park. You start in Oudsbergen, in the Duinengordel area, a wooded area known for its inland dunes. Via Opglabbeek and As you meander through a varied landscape of woods, stream valleys and meadows.

At Station As, artistic graffiti train carriages adorn the old station site along the Kolenspoor. In a straight line you cycle towards Terhills, where'Cycling between the Mine Terrils\\\' offers a fine example of cycling infrastructure. The floating cycle bridge takes you from the twin terril to the panorama terril across the gravel pit, a unique construction of its kind. The mine site itself requires a short stop and a climb of one of the pitheads.

Along the Zuid-Willemsvaart you cycle to the hidden gem Bergerven, where wild grazers greet you along vast water features. You follow the flow of the Bosbeek through a wooded area back to the starting point near the Oudsberg, where you end this varied route.

Nature Route

Height Profile


# Description Distance
Weg naar Gruitrode, Oudsbergen, Flanders, Belgium 0.00 km
527 (Rozenstraat, 3660, Oudsbergen, Flanders, Belgium) 1.80 km
70 (Ophovenbosstraat, 3660, Oudsbergen, Flanders, Belgium) 2.16 km
529 (3660, Oudsbergen, Flanders, Belgium) 4.28 km
528 (3668, As, Flanders, Belgium) 8.29 km
40 (Schuttenbergstraat, 3665, As, Flanders, Belgium) 12.01 km


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