In the footsteps of the Bokkerijders

Wellen, Flanders, Belgium

Hiking route: 4701034

Provided by: Wandelroutes Routiq België

11.7 km
02:54 h
662 kcal
78 m


According to popular belief, goat riders were people or spirits who rode goats through the air. They were active in the period between 1740 and 1798 in what is now Dutch South and Central Limburg and Belgian Limburg. The name 'Bokkenrijders' was first used in connection with the Limburg gangs of robbers in the 1774 trial in Wellen.

In Wellen, the river Herk runs like a green ribbon through the landscape. The Herk strings together two nature reserves: the Grote Beemd in the north and the Broekbeemd in the south.

Nature Route

Height Profile


# Description Distance
Wellen, Flanders, Belgium 0.00 km
Wellen, Flanders, Belgium 11.65 km


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