Tour of Kaatsheuvel

Loon op Zand, North Brabant, The Netherlands

Cycling route: 437694

Provided by: Verwijderde gebruiker

23.6 km
01:23 h
416 kcal
18 m


Tour of Loonse and Drunense Duinen
From the starting point at Europalaan you cycle behind the Efteling, where they are currently (July 2016) busy with the construction and construction of the house park"Het Loonse Land\\\".
A little further on this road you will see"Villa Pardoes\\\" on your right; lie.

Then cross the Horst and cross the Midden Brabant road via a bridge.
Once you have arrived at the bottom, the starting point of the route is the"War Monument of Loon op Zand\\\" on the right side.

Continue straight ahead, you cycle past beautiful heath fields and a beautiful nature reserve.
At the intersection you will find the so-called Leugenbankje van Kaatsheuvel on the left. Cross the intersection here and here you will again pass through a beautiful piece of nature.
Follow the route as indicated and at junction 36 you will find the very beautiful estate"Bos en Duin\\\"

( )

Past Bos en Duin, turn left onto the cycle path again towards junction 34! After about one kilometer drive you will find the campsite"Duinhoeve\\\" on your right.

If you continue following the route towards junction 34, you will first come to another beautiful terrace"De Rustende Jager\\\" (
After the terrace of De Rustende Jager you turn left, it can sometimes be a bit busy here (especially on weekends) with people walking there or walking their four-legged friends. This is not really an obstacle, but it is recommended to cycle a little slower. After cycling for about 1.5 km you will arrive on the right at Eetcafé"De Drie Linden\\\"

If you continue the route you will pass through the small but picturesque village of Giersbergen, it is as if time has stood still here.,5.1514756,3a,75y,209h,90t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sUnrUVftcQb_gwGPVBF8yxQ!2e0! 3Fpanoid%3DUnrUVftcQb_gwGPVBF8yxQ%26output%3Dthumbnail%26cb_client%3Dmaps_sv.tactile.gps%26thumb%3D2%26w%3D203%26h%3D100%26yaw%3D209.73007%26pitch%3D0!7i13 312!8i6656!6m1!1e1

If you think that you are now back on a normal route, then you are wrong because immediately when you are back on the cycle path you will pass to the right of your Manege"Den Dries\\\" where there is also a very cozy terrace located.

After a few hundred meters you turn left and you have not yet entered the path when you see the next terrace on the left, this is"Eetcafé de Klinkert\\\"

Once past the Klinkert you come to a crossroads, you are supposed to cycle straight ahead here, but you can also choose to turn right here, so that you arrive at hotel/Restaurant"Duinrand\\\" ( )
you can sit on the terrace for a while, of course if you still want :-)
Whether or not you have turned right, the route simply continues as indicated, now you cycle through a beautiful wooded area again, if it is very quiet you have a chance of seeing some deer walking here. If that is not the case, you will certainly hear the many birds that live here, singing the highest song here. After cycling for about 3 km you arrive at the recreation park"Het Maaken\\\"

If it is too busy here.......... no problem because 200 meters further you will arrive at the always cozy restaurant, with a beautiful terrace"De Roestelberg\\\" /

 You are now back in Kaatsheuvel.
From the Rustelberg continue the route towards junction 22, to the right of this junction is"Camping Duinlust\\\"

But to stay on the route you have to go straight, about 100 meters further there is usually an ice cream cart where you can buy delicious ice creams. To the right of this, Kaatsheuvel is called the Ice Rink because you can enjoy skating here in the winter period with all kinds of cozy sales points. But this is a very popular walking spot for dogs in both summer and winter

Now continue the route towards junction 32 and you have arrived back at the"Leugenbankje\\\". Now it is about 1 - 1.5 km and you have arrived back at the starting point.
It goes without saying that you can enjoy a delicious lunch or just a cup of coffee or a glass of wine and beer at all rest points, restaurants and terraces.

I wish you lots of cycling pleasure in the beautiful Loonse and Drunense Duinen

Bicycle cafe

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Below you will find various suggestions for breaks that you can visit during your route. These are divided into different categories, making it easy for you to choose.


# Description Distance
5171SM, Loon op Zand, North Brabant, The Netherlands 0.00 km
32 (5171RN, Loon op Zand, North Brabant, The Netherlands) 3.18 km
36 (5071 RP, Tilburg, North Brabant, The Netherlands) 6.79 km
De Rustende Jager (5074 RC, Haaren, North Brabant, The Netherlands) 9.64 km
34 (Giersbergen, 5151RG, Heusden, North Brabant, The Netherlands) 11.69 km
72 (5151RD, Heusden, North Brabant, The Netherlands) 12.83 km


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