The ideal bike ride for the whole family. Go on a discovery trip in the area together. You may not have realized it yet, but there are many wild animals to spot in this area. On this route you will discover everything about nature in an active way. You can do research in the nature activity center De Koppel, walk outside on your bare feet or view nature in detail through a microscope. Somewhere along this cycle route you have to cross the water. There is no bike path, but a ferry is waiting for you. Today you are the captain. Operate the buttons and bring everyone safely to the other side AhoyIn Rheeze you will find a real nature museum in the middle of the meadows. Everything you find here in nature can also be found in this museum. The animals look lifelike. The more famous animals can be viewed at the adjacent petting zoo. After visiting this museum you will know exactly which animals hide in this area. Take a good look around you on the bike and you know where to find them