Cycling route between Maas and Waal

West Maas en Waal, Gelderland, The Netherlands

Cycling route: 4309958

Provided by: Helene, Noord-Brabant

40.2 km
02:21 h
707 kcal
10 m


There is plenty to enjoy in the land of Maas and Waal. On the many dikes it is quiet cycling along meadows, rivers and through old villages.

Three dyke point
You start this route at Profile Romijnders, the cycling specialist in Beneden-Leeuwen. Then you drive onto the Waaldijk. Get a breath of fresh air and enjoy the beautiful views of the natural surroundings. You will see many orchards here, you will also pass the Dreumelsche Waard. Just before junction 24 you pass the Driedijkenpunt: a unique place in this river country where the Waaldijk, Maasdijk and Heerewaardense Afsluitdijk come together.

In the hamlet of Moordhuizen you can get off the dike for a break at Theetuin Onder De Groene Hemel. Enjoy something tasty before cycling to the next attraction: Tot Voordeel en Genoegen, a flour mill from 1798. In Maasbommel you will see a picturesque backdrop of old farms and the Reformed Church from 1842. You will drive past the Gouden Ham, a water sports area. You drive back to Beneden-Leeuwen through the polders.

Height Profile


# Description Distance
Wielstraat, West Maas en Waal, Gelderland, The Netherlands 0.00 km
Wielstraat, West Maas en Waal, Gelderland, The Netherlands 40.16 km


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