Lochem Markelo

Lochem, Gelderland, The Netherlands

Cycling route: 421913

Provided by: joke, Overijssel (NL)

49.6 km
02:55 h
874 kcal
29 m


Enjoy cycling from the Achterhoek to Twente and fully enjoy the coulisse landscape. Get off along the way and enjoy all the peace and quiet, the special rural environment.

In Markelo, pay a visit to the Buursink Mill. In the mill shops, many baking mixes are for sale.

Stop at the Twentse Boerin for a cup of coffee, tea, soft drinks... and in the summer months a farm ice cream. This is open daily from sunrise to sunset. (Self-service).
Holiday resort Nice walkers Country house Windmill

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Below you will find various suggestions for breaks that you can visit during your route. These are divided into different categories, making it easy for you to choose.


# Description Distance
7241SB, Lochem, Gelderland, The Netherlands 0.00 km
12 (7241, Lochem, Gelderland, The Netherlands) 9.73 km
37 (7475MX, Hof van Twente, Overijssel, The Netherlands) 20.31 km
De Twentse Boerin (Stokkumervlierweg, 7475 PK, Hof van Twente, Overijssel, The Netherlands) 23.33 km
31 (Kerkweg, 7475MR, Hof van Twente, Overijssel, The Netherlands) 26.25 km
De Hoop (7475AM, Hof van Twente, Overijssel, The Netherlands) 28.51 km


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