Eleven Cities Tour incl. Harlingen, via Stiens to Dokkum, Leeuwarden (alt), Sneek, IJlst, St. Nicolaasga

De Fryske Marren, Friesland, The Netherlands

Cycling route: 405414

Provided by: Gerhard

239.5 km
14:04 h
4216 kcal
16 m


Start and finish in St. Nicolaasga. This three-day touring cycle route has been set out for a group of Swiss friends with the aim of visiting all eleven cities, but cycling no more than 80km per day. That is why the Franeker - Dokkum route (via Stiens) deviates from the route indicated by the Cyclists' Union or other route planners, which run much further north. Harlingen and IJlst are mentioned in the title because we initially wanted to skip these cities (route shortening). But since it is an Eleven Cities Tour, it was added again later.  Our plan is to take a break every 20km and/or visit museums, churches, etc., depending on the condition(s) (weather and physical). Apart from Sint Nicolaasga, we stay in Bolsward (Orphanage) and Dokkum (the Abbey). Hope this info is useful.   

Height Profile


# Description Distance
54 (8521JX, De Fryske Marren, Friesland, The Netherlands) 0.00 km
77 (Noed, 8521NT, De Fryske Marren, Friesland, The Netherlands) 1.39 km
15 (Spannenburgerdyk, 8522MP, De Fryske Marren, Friesland, The Netherlands) 3.11 km
53 (8522MW, De Fryske Marren, Friesland, The Netherlands) 3.42 km
42 (8522MW, De Fryske Marren, Friesland, The Netherlands) 3.58 km
43 (8522MW, De Fryske Marren, Friesland, The Netherlands) 3.84 km


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