VL-02 Polderwind-Oostende-Polderwind 65km

Zuienkerke, Flanders, Belgium

Cycling route: 4027989

Provided by: Fitál Vakanties

64.4 km
03:47 h
1134 kcal
10 m


START: from Polderwind to Junction 11. Continue via junction list.

You cycle along the land side behind the dunes. For a visit to the seaside resorts: deviate from the route.!

Along the way you will pass coastal towns such as Blankenberge (junction 31), De Haan (junction 3), Bredene (junction 92).

After Bredene-Bad (junction 92) take the dune crossing (direction junction 8) and continue on the cycle path on the sea side to Ostend.

At Oostende (junction 8) you cross the Voorhaven with the free ferry (sailing times: 6.30-10.30 and 11-18) to Knpt 45 Visserskaai. You can take your bike!

From the ferry RIGHT (follow the junction list) and via the boulevard to the Venetian Galleries and the Cape (=junction 74). Here LEFT direction 85

Ostend = approximately 35km covered.

(You can cycle further along the coast from Ostend.)

Back by bus?

The bus is located at the bus parking on Mercatorlaan (near the Maritime Institute Ostend).

How do you get there?

At Junction 85 turn LEFT towards Junction 45. Over the bridge and at the end LEFT (= Iependreef/ Junction 45 turns right here). Follow the bend (= Zinnialaan). Take the 1st LEFT (= Kazernelaan.) At the end: Mercatorlaan.

Are you cycling back to the hotel? Follow the junction list.

At Knpt 11, go towards Knpt 78 and pass Polderwind.

Height Profile

You do not want to miss this

Below you will find various suggestions for breaks that you can visit during your route. These are divided into different categories, making it easy for you to choose.


# Description Distance
Polderwind, Zuienkerke, Flanders, Belgium 0.00 km
11 (8377, Zuienkerke, Flanders, Belgium) 1.68 km
81 (Nieuwe Steenweg, 8377, Zuienkerke, Flanders, Belgium) 3.71 km
29 (8370, Blankenberge, Flanders, Belgium) 7.10 km
26 (8370, Blankenberge, Flanders, Belgium) 8.86 km
76 (8370, Blankenberge, Flanders, Belgium) 9.93 km


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