Doppio Espresso #4, 44.2 km

Nissewaard, South Holland, The Netherlands

Cycling route: 392972

Provided by: Doppio-Spijkenisse, Zuid-Holland (NL)

44.2 km
02:36 h
779 kcal
5 m


All Doppio Espresso routes (#1 - #10) start and end at espresso bar Doppio Spijkenisse, Elementenweg 17 (corner of Hongerlandsedijk). Free parking, free bicycle charging point, free WiFi, free flexible workplaces and the best coffee in Voorne Putten according to AD coffee test 2015. Ask the staff for a free cycling route label for this tour (Doppio #4). The new bicycle bridge will be ready from September 2016, right opposite the entrance to Doppio. Then you can go directly from Doppio over the bicycle bridge, under the Spijkenisser bridge, to junction 24.

Height Profile

-13 m50 m

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Your starting point


3201LW Nissewaard

Parkeerplaats centrum

3207CH Nissewaard


3208 KJ Nissewaard


# Description Distance
3201LW, Nissewaard, South Holland, The Netherlands 0.00 km
24 (3202LR, Nissewaard, South Holland, The Netherlands) 2.34 km
43 (Tolstraat, 3211BN, Nissewaard, South Holland, The Netherlands) 8.53 km
39 (3218BG, Nissewaard, South Holland, The Netherlands) 9.26 km
35 (South Holland, The Netherlands) 12.67 km
36 (3238XH, Brielle, South Holland, The Netherlands) 12.98 km


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