22 POS 05 Breukelen Utrecht 21 or 41km

Stichtse Vecht, Utrecht, The Netherlands

Cycling route: 3775221

Provided by: Fitál Vakanties

39.6 km
02:19 h
697 kcal
11 m


*!*!Via Looijersdijk and Eendrachtlaan to the T-junction Straatweg.
There RIGHT. Then 2nd LEFT (= after Aldi) onto Kerkbrink. You are now on the route to Knpt 84.

Start SHORT ROUTE (21km)
Junction 84 RIGHT along the Vecht to - 87 - 46 (Maarssen) - Junction 45 - and continue with CONTINUATION

Start LONG ROUTE (41km)
Junction 84 LEFT along the Vecht to Junction 2 Nieuwersluis
Button 25: Nieuwerhoek
node 7: Loosdrecht lakes and Old Loosdrecht
Junction 2: Nieuw-Loosdrecht, along the Eastern Verchtplassen to
Knpt 47: Tienhoven.
Along the Maarsseveenseplassen to Knpt 45 and continue with CONTINUATION

CONTINUATION ( You continue to follow the Vecht)
Knpt 45: Old Columns
Further along the Vecht to Utrecht
From Junction 28, follow the Oude Gracht to Junction 31.
Then to Knpt 26
(= along the Lange Visstraat, Vreedenburg, under the railway lines)
Along the Leidse Rijn to Junction 52.
*!*!*! Junction 52: You go towards Junction 23. Approximately 1km AFTER Junction 52 the cycle path goes up the bridge.
DO NOT OVER THE BRIDGE but keep RIGHT before the bridge (towards the canal). At the canal (Amsterdam-Rhine Canal) go LEFT and follow the canal until you see your ship (Rooseveltlaan approximately at the height of the Aziëlaan).

Height Profile


# Description Distance
3621WB, Stichtse Vecht, Utrecht, The Netherlands 0.00 km
25 (3632NW, Stichtse Vecht, Utrecht, The Netherlands) 5.63 km
7 (1231NV, Wijdemeren, North Holland, The Netherlands) 9.41 km
26 (1231NB, Wijdemeren, North Holland, The Netherlands) 12.35 km
28 (Nieuw-Loosdrechtsedijk, 1231KZ, Wijdemeren, North Holland, The Netherlands) 14.19 km
27 (3625AA, Wijdemeren, Utrecht, The Netherlands) 20.90 km


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