ascent=105 cai_scale=T descent=105 description=Route along the left bank of the Tiber with a closed loop in the bend of the river, which includes the localities Bucone, Ripa Bianca, Piano, Quarto Fontanile and Nazzano. description:it=Percorso lungo la riva sinistra del Tevere con anello chiuso nell\\\'ansa del fiume, che comprende le localita Bucone, Ripa Bianca, Piano, Quarto Fontanile e Nazzano. distance=11.6 duration:backward=03:10 duration:forward=03:10 from=SP15a c/o Campo Base Alfa network=lwn operator=Riserva Naturale Regionale Nazzano Tevere-Farfa osmc:symbol=red:red:white_stripe:391: black ref=391 ref:REI=ORMN3910 roundtrip=yes route=hiking source=survey:CAI source:ref=9232023 survey:date=2021-03-13 symbol=391 on white red flags symbol:it=391 su bandierina bianca e rossa to=SP15a c/o Campo Base Alfa type=route