Auto-Pedestre Esch-sur-Alzette
Hiking route:
Provided by: Routiq
ascent=221 descent=221 description:de=Startpunkt befindet sich beim Parkplatz unterhalb des"Gaalgebierg\\\" description:en=Starting point is next to the parking lot near the"Gaalgebierg\\\" description :fr=Depart se situe sur le parking pres du"Gaalgebierg\\\" description:lb=Depart ass beim Parking ennert dem"Gaalgebierg\\\" distance=7.13 name=Auto-Pedestre Esch-sur -Alzette network=lwn old_ref=FB164 oneway=yes operator=Ministere de l\\\'Economie osmc:symbol=blue:white:blue_pointer roundtrip=yes route=hiking source=Geoportail state=active type=route website=https:/ /
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