Heilclima tour 1 - Wald geniessen
North Rhine-Westphalia,
Hiking route:
Provided by: Routiq
ascent=102 descent=102 description=Leichter Weg am Kuhlenberg in ruhiger Natur mit Blick ins Vossmecketal und auf den Diabas-Bruch von Siedlinghausen distance=7.7 from=Parkplatz Kuhlenberg name=Heilklimatour 1 - Wald geniessen network=lwn ref=WHKT1 roundtrip=yes route=hiking to=Parkplatz Kuhlenberg type=route website=https://www.winterberg.de/tour/heilklimatour-1-wald-geniessen/
You probably can't wait to start your tour, but you have to go to the starting point of the route first. Click the button below to plan your route to the starting point.
Your starting point
Am Kurpark
59955 Winterberg
Winterberg (Westf)
Winterberg (Westf)
59955 Winterberg
De bron van de Ruhr
59955 Winterberg
Rauher Busch
Rauher Busch
59955 Winterberg
Wohnmobilpark Hochsauerland in Winterberg, Duitsland
Remmeswiese 5
59955 Winterberg
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based on 0 reviews
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