Around Hilversum-Bussum

Baarn, Utrecht, The Netherlands

Cycling route: 3580068

Provided by: HJ

58.0 km
03:24 h
1022 kcal
34 m


We cycled this route, starting from P+R Crailoseweg. A beautiful route with many gravel paths through the woods. One of the highlights of the ride was between Tienhoven, junction 49 to 29. A part of this section is unpaved and... you have to go through a'lock\\\' twice; a gate with a narrow passage, which makes it difficult for bicycle trailers, tandems and wider bicycles to pass through. The easiest way is to manoeuvre the bicycle vertically on the rear wheel, but it is definitely worth it!

Height Profile


# Description Distance
63 (3744KD, Baarn, Utrecht, The Netherlands) 0.00 km
22 (3744MK, Baarn, Utrecht, The Netherlands) 2.29 km
56 (1251SW, Laren, Utrecht, The Netherlands) 4.48 km
53 (Zuiderheide, 1251SE, Laren, North Holland, The Netherlands) 6.62 km
51 (Westerheide, 1251ET, Laren, North Holland, The Netherlands) 8.37 km
66 (Laren, North Holland, The Netherlands) 9.28 km


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