22-TD 03 round Sneek(ermeer)

Súdwest-Fryslân, Friesland, The Netherlands

Cycling route: 3329240

Provided by: Fitál Vakanties

45.6 km
02:40 h
803 kcal
3 m


Longest= 46, All shortened= 35km

*!*!*! Depart from Pampuskade in a northerly direction. Keep RIGHT (Schouwstraat) and at kp LEFT (Valkstraat) over the bridge (Boeierstraat) and RIGHT cycle path to Knpt 49
Follow the junction list.

*! Junction 57 (Here you can shorten the route by 2.9 km by going over the water from Tersoalsterzijl to Terhorne. Ferry 10am-6pm, €1.50 preferably contactless/by PIN. Your route will then be: 57 - 42 - 43 Terherne)

Junction 20 (if you go LEFT to Junction 28 you will arrive in Jirnsum)

Junction 22 (if you go STRAIGHT to Junction 92 you will arrive in Akkrum)

After Knpt 68 Goingarijp and Ballingbuur

*! Junction 65 (Here you can shorten the route by 8.1 km.
(You then go from Knpt 65 to 61. Here too, ferry: Rufus, €1)

Junction 80 (if you turn LEFT here towards Junction 69 you will arrive in the centre of Joure)

After K npt 59 Uitwellingerga and Oppenhuizen
In Sneek Knpt 50 - 5 - 80 and direction 49. After 100m:
*!*! DO NOT turn LEFT, but continue on the Boeier, over the bridge (Valkstraat) and take the first RIGHT (Schouwstraat) to Pampuskade.

Height Profile


# Description Distance
Flitsstraat, 8605DH, Súdwest-Fryslân, Friesland, The Netherlands 0.00 km
49 (8604DH, Súdwest-Fryslân, Friesland, The Netherlands) 1.79 km
55 (8626GE, Súdwest-Fryslân, Friesland, The Netherlands) 4.79 km
57 (9014CJ, Súdwest-Fryslân, Friesland, The Netherlands) 7.98 km
20 (9011TA, Leeuwarden, Friesland, The Netherlands) 12.03 km
21 (Wjitteringswei, 9011WJ, Leeuwarden, Friesland, The Netherlands) 12.39 km


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