To the Amstel

Haarlemmermeer, North Holland, The Netherlands

Cycling route: 326488

based on 2 reviews

Provided by: Wim, Gelderland

70.3 km
04:08 h
1239 kcal
7 m


A watery route with (unfortunately) a lot of wind!
But luckily: half of it was tailwind.......

Besides the Amstel, there are several highlights on this route, such as Schiphol East, the Amsterdam Forest, the Kalfjeslaan, Ouderkerk aan de Amstel and Bilderdam.
But the best part is all those little bodies of water, that's what this beautiful 70 km tour is all about!!

After the Ringvaart and the waters in the Amsterdamse Bos (Grote Vijver, Bosbaan) the real work begins:

- The Amstel
- The Waver (small section in connection with a bridge)
- The Amstel
- The Crooked Mijdrecht
- The Amstel (After Vrouwenakker even over the narrow towpath along the river!)
- The Drecht (= the border between North Holland and South Holland)
- to end up again at De Ringvaart
Arable farming, pasture or grassland City park Water Nature Route Polder Fort Route

Height Profile


# Description Distance
Roosje Vosplantsoen, 2135NL, Haarlemmermeer, North Holland, The Netherlands 0.00 km
58 (2132WR, Haarlemmermeer, North Holland, The Netherlands) 1.89 km
63 (2132MN, Haarlemmermeer, North Holland, The Netherlands) 4.24 km
94 (Aarbergerweg, 1435CA, Haarlemmermeer, North Holland, The Netherlands) 7.32 km
91 (1436BG, Haarlemmermeer, North Holland, The Netherlands) 8.74 km
89 (Aalsmeerderdijk, 1438AX, Haarlemmermeer, North Holland, The Netherlands) 10.68 km


based on 0 reviews

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