> Starting point: parking lot at the Moleneind in Kortenhoef, directly along the N201 (Vreelandseweg). The'wet\\\' walk takes you right through the low moor area near Kortenhoef. Through a particularly rich nature and a wonderful silence. On grass paths (formerly church paths) where the ground sometimes vibrates under your feet and via narrow bridges that lead you over the draw locks. Alternately you walk through meadows with wonderful views and swamp forests where the birds are swarming. The water is always nearby. The route can be wet so waterproof walking shoes are recommended (no low shoes). That is part of exploring this unique peat area. In addition to the grass paths, you also walk a part on asphalted roads and sandy paths. After you have crossed the busy intersection from the starting point, you will pass the cute old church of Kortenhoef and finally go opposite house number 125't Oppad (point 65). Here you will really experience the peat area. After a short stretch along the paved road, you cross the quiet nature reserve Het Hol via the Kromme Rade. This is typical Dutch swamp. Cross at point 58 for a return ticket to the bird hide on Dirck A. Lambertszkade in the middle of the puddles. Back at point 58, the last part is on an asphalt road that you share with cyclists and cars. Be careful here, especially in the busy summer, as you will be distracted by beautifully situated'dream houses\\\'. This will take you back to the parking lot. There is no catering directly on the route, but restaurant De Eend can be reached at 500m from point 58 on the Horndijk. De Eend is open all year round and is sandwiched between the Loosdrechtse Plassen. Depending on the season, there are plenty of restaurants in Loosdrecht and Kortenhoef and you can end your walking day by the water. NB! Routiq's tips are not always correct with the map, so stick to the map and description.