Experience the Reest to the Northwest end point

Staphorst, Overijssel, The Netherlands

Cycling route: 3098674

based on 1 reviews

Provided by: st. Ondernemend Reestdal, Overijssel

31.3 km
01:50 h
551 kcal
7 m


The Reestdal, an idyllic Reestdal for gourmets. The strongly meandering border river Reest, at its widest near the Wilhelmina Park in the city of Meppel and narrowest on the Havixhorst estate in the hamlet of De Schiphorst, forms the living backdrop during this cycle route. The photo impression tells, among other things, these points of view.

1 Reeststouwe at FKP 71: on the wide sandy path, a bench / lookout tower. 2 Also on the sandy path, but further on, the sign'Laarspad\\\'. Turn right here to experience the ferry across the Reest. 3 Werkhorst In Meppel: after the bridge over the Reest, a sign on the right referring to the Tea Dome (national monument) in the Wilhelmina Park. 4 Eekmolen de Weert aan de Reest in Meppel (open every Saturday from 1 p.m.). 5 Sluisgracht in Meppel with a view of the De Vlijt mill. In the former miller's house, Sluisgracht 21-22, the Knowledge Center st. Old Meppel. 6 At Wetering 2 the Tolhuis (monument)"De Knijpe\\\". 7 In the characteristic hamlet of De Schiphorst, access to the Havixhorst estate with a sculpture garden (free). With the 1 km circular walk (pole with purple head) you will pass the Ooievaarsbuitenstation De Lokkerij of Het Drentse Landschap. 8 Towards the District there is an entrance to the Dickninge estate where a monastery once stood. 9 De Wieker Meule is located in the village of De Wijk (open every Saturday from 1 p.m.). 10 Oud IJhorst, next to the church and bell tower (monuments) a small square called'The Heavenly View\\\'. Here, in addition to a story pole (calmly press the pedal for the story), there are also information panels from Landschap Overijssel.

Several days on the pedals through the old stream valley landscape? Combine cycle route 3098674 - (30 km) with'Experience the Reest to the starting point Zuidoost\\\' (57 km). Can be found at Route.nl under cycle route 3098674 .

At cycling junction 81 (Heerenweg in IJhorst) there is an information board about a number of cultural-historical stroll routes. Hiking tip: from choice point Y10, briefly enter the forest for a beautiful Reest experience. You get a wide view of the important (wet) hay fields and the border river Reest, a former raised bog stream.

Catering industry : IJhorst, Halfweg, Meppel, Havixhorst and in the District.

There is also a charging point for an electric car near the (i) starting point at Heerenweg 42 in the parking lot (free). At the TIP (Tourist Information) KroKo MultiPunt, a country shop, a public toilet (entry 0.50 euro cents) and an electric bicycle charging point. This also includes a local bus stop near Café-Restaurant Vos..

This cycle route from st. Entrepreneurial Reestdal was made possible in part by the Leader project, which received support from the EAFRD."European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development: Europe invests in its countryside\\\".
Tourist Info Nice walkers Bell chair Watchtower Windmill Railway station

Height Profile


# Description Distance
TIP KroKo MultiPunt IJhorst (KroKo MultiPunt, 7955 PE, Staphorst, Overijssel, The Netherlands) 0.00 km
81 (7955, Staphorst, Overijssel, The Netherlands) 0.06 km
Info Kuierroutes IJhorst (Heerenweg, 7955PB, Staphorst, Overijssel, The Netherlands) 0.11 km
89 (7955BE, Staphorst, Overijssel, The Netherlands) 0.80 km
86 (7957NW, Staphorst, Overijssel, The Netherlands) 2.50 km
Leuke Afstapper (Gemeenteweg, 7951PH, Staphorst, Overijssel, The Netherlands) 2.86 km


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