day 3 DG 23A Zutphen - Deventer (left bank) 26km

Zutphen, Gelderland, The Netherlands

Cycling route: 2912166

Provided by: Fitál Vakanties

27.1 km
01:35 h
477 kcal
14 m


START: Departure in a northerly direction. At the petrol station (Knpt10) turn LEFT over the bridge to Knpt1.

Continue to Junction 20 (that is, cross at the traffic lights and turn IMMEDIATELY RIGHT, under the railway and keep RIGHT).

Follow the junction list. Along the way you will pass:

Button 20: Empe

Button 99: Front

Along the floodplains of the IJssel to Junction 17.

At Knpt 17 (Wilp) you can take the ferry to Gorssel (EUR 1.70, preferably by PIN)

Cycle further along the IJssel and in the distance you will see Deventer (already on the other side)

Junction 61. Here too you can take a ferry (EUR 1.40 preferably in cash) to Deventer (Junction 24), then cycle to Junction 63 and follow the signs to FINISH.

Further on we take the railway bridge to cross the IJssel. (that is via Knpt 14 to 64).

In Deventer you cycle from Knpt 64 via 62 to 63. You pass the Bergkwartier, the oldest part of Deventer. Knpt 63 = De Brink, the heart of Deventer.

FINISH: from Knpt 63 go towards Knpt 47:

That is from De Brink over the Zandpoort. At the end of the Zandpoort keep RIGHT to the traffic lights. Keep to the cycle path and cross the road at the pedestrian lights.

Go UNDER the bridge and keep to the right on the QUAY.

Here the Dutch Grace awaits you.

Height Profile


# Description Distance
10 (7201JK, Zutphen, Gelderland, The Netherlands) 0.00 km
1 (7205AS, Zutphen, Gelderland, The Netherlands) 0.67 km
20 (7399AB, Gelderland, The Netherlands) 5.43 km
20 (7399AN, Brummen, Gelderland, The Netherlands) 5.45 km
99 (Rijksstraatweg, 7383AW, Voorst, Gelderland, The Netherlands) 7.91 km
33 (7383CG, Voorst, Gelderland, The Netherlands) 8.79 km


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