Tour of Lage Vuursche

Baarn, Utrecht, The Netherlands

Cycling route: 2529860

Provided by: Anje, Utrecht

19.8 km
01:10 h
349 kcal
18 m



At KNPT 97 take the route to KNPT 62, the Maartendijkseweg.
At a crossroads with the Vuurschesteeg and the Vuurscheweg you leave the route and turn left into the Vuurschesteeg. You will then arrive in Lage Vuursche.

After a drink on a terrace (tip) continue the route towards KNPT 90.


From KNPT 97 you continue your way via KNPT 94 to KNPT 96.
From here towards KNPT 95. This is the Soestdijkerweg. You leave the route fairly quickly by taking the first road on the left. This is the Vuurscheweg. At the intersection with the Maartendijkseweg, go straight on, Vuurschesteeg. You will then arrive at the original route in Lage Vuursche.
Tourist Transfer Point (TOP)

Height Profile


# Description Distance
TOP De Kuil van Drakensteyn (Paviljoen Buiten in de Kuil, 3749AR, Baarn, Utrecht, The Netherlands) 0.00 km
90 (Stulpselaan, 3749AW, Baarn, Utrecht, The Netherlands) 0.26 km
63 (3744KD, Baarn, Utrecht, The Netherlands) 2.34 km
22 (3744MK, Baarn, Utrecht, The Netherlands) 4.68 km
56 (1251SW, Laren, Utrecht, The Netherlands) 6.86 km
75 (Soestdijkerstraatweg, 1213XJ, Baarn, Utrecht, The Netherlands) 8.48 km


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