Cycling route 2 - De Lutte Tour 18.7 km

Losser, Overijssel, The Netherlands

Cycling route: 2221119

Provided by: Landgoed De Wilmersberg

24.8 km
01:27 h
436 kcal
82 m


This route is a nice round around the village of De Lutte. Below you will find some more information about various points on your route.

From Kp 73 you first cycle through the woods and then through the vast coulisse landscape. You really feel like you are in Tuscany. Be sure to stop to enjoy the views.

KP60 - 61: Halfway between kp 60-61 (see the blue star) you will reach a T-junction on the Beuningerstraat. The route indicates that you should turn right (direction kp 61). However, if you first turn left for 100 meters, you will find the Koelant crumb farm in Beuningen, where many of the cheeses of De Wilmersberg come from. The word 'crumb' already gives it away; the crumb farm is small. Pauline makes farm cheeses twice a week from the milk of the 12 dairy cows. Here you can pet the cows, taste the cheese and take a look in the kitchen. (For current information, see )

KP61: At kp 61 you will find Paviljoen Lutterzand, where you can take a break and enjoy a cup of coffee or a delicious lunch. There is also a closed playground, where children can let off steam. ( )
You can also cycle another 2 minutes (keep left) to Restaurant and Country Estate Florilympha, where they even have a midget golf course. (for current information see

KP19:  You will pass Arboretum Poort Bulten, a beautiful tree park. Park your bike and walk through this beautiful nature reserve. You can take a break at Schenkerij Poort Bulten. (for current information see
If you would like to cycle further into De Lutte, be sure to visit the Klompenmakerij (for current information, see or get an ice cream at the ice cream farm 't Loaboerke (for current information, see

Height Profile


# Description Distance
74 (7587NL, Losser, Overijssel, The Netherlands) 0.00 km
73 (7587MK, Losser, Overijssel, The Netherlands) 2.07 km
73 (7587MK, Losser, Overijssel, The Netherlands) 2.48 km
60 (Hoge Kaviksweg, 7587LP, Losser, Overijssel, The Netherlands) 5.88 km
60 (Hanhofweg, 7587LL, Losser, Overijssel, The Netherlands) 6.36 km
61 (Lutterzandweg, 7587 LH, Losser, Overijssel, The Netherlands) 9.18 km


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