Rendering Clips

Heerde, Gelderland, The Netherlands

Cycling route: 1879474

Provided by: M.Michels, Flevoland

27.2 km
01:36 h
479 kcal
35 m


Rendering Clips

The Renderklippen is a nature reserve that consists of
heathland-covered moraines. The moraines are many thousands
formed years ago by ice, water and finally the
man. Over the years, the Rhine and the Meuse have also created numerous
tons of silt, sand, soil and boulders in the Netherlands. The wind
went about its business and moved large amounts of sand over
enormous distances. The nature reserve, tens of meters high
The Renderklippen is the impressive, much-visited result.
Differences in height, hills, sandy paths, lakes and here and there
of a solitary tree are typical for this area. In the
area is home to deer, roe deer, wild boars and
sheep around.

Blackweg 1 Heerde (N 52 22.491, E 6 0.842)

From the parking lot, turn left onto the black road, after about 90 meters turn right onto the cycle path to junction 95.
Heather Hills

Height Profile


# Description Distance
8181PK, Heerde, Gelderland, The Netherlands 0.00 km
95 (8181PJ, Heerde, Gelderland, The Netherlands) 0.87 km
22 (8181NZ, Heerde, Gelderland, The Netherlands) 2.26 km
27 (Renderklippenpad, 8181NX, Heerde, Gelderland, The Netherlands) 2.50 km
87 (8161PX, Heerde, Gelderland, The Netherlands) 4.26 km
96 (Zeuvenbargweg, 8162NA, Epe, Gelderland, The Netherlands) 6.54 km


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