This 30 kilometre route gives you a nice view of the Lopikerwaard. The route can be picked up from the Toeristisch Overstappunt in Schoonhoven.
When the lords of Schoonhoven commissioned goldsmiths to make silver objects in the 14th century, they could not have imagined that Schoonhoven would be world famous as the Silver City of the Netherlands 700 years later. Partly due to its location on the river Lek, Schoonhoven acquired a strategic function in the powerful county of Holland and more and more creative people settled in the city.
Much of that early heyday has been beautifully preserved, such as the Gothic town hall, the Grote of St. Bartholomeuskerk, the Waag and the Stadskorenpakhuis. But the characteristic silver workshops throughout the city are also part of the unique national heritage. Nowhere in Europe are there old workshops, factories, silversmith houses, workers' cottages and executive villas.
Some tips
National Silver City and Silver Museums
During a city walk you can discover the National Silver City yourself. You will see goldsmiths at work and you can follow a workshop on making silver jewelry. The Dutch Silver Museum Schoonhoven shows the history of Dutch silver. In the Edelambachtshuys you will find a unique collection of antique Schoonhoven silver. Addresses: Dutch Silver Museum Schoonhoven, Kazerneplein 4. Edelambachtshuys, Haven 13.
Nature center De Wielewaal
Nature centre de Wielewaal offers a view of nature in the Lopikerwaard. This museum gives a colourful overview of the animal population in the Lopikerwaard. In addition, the beautiful and naturally landscaped garden is more than worth a visit. Address: Tiendweg 26, 3411 NB Willige Langerak (Lopik).
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