Zuid-Kennemerland National Park is a beautiful area through which this route leads you. The park, which covers about 38 square kilometers, was established in 1995. Here you will mainly find dunes, but also some beautiful estates, dune edge forests and beaches. Rare plants can thrive here because of the calcareous soil and bushes with berries grow, which attract all kinds of songbirds. Hundreds of different bird species have been spotted in the area, but mammals such as squirrels, hedgehogs, rabbits, foxes, roe deer and fallow deer also find their way through the sand. In addition to Scottish highlanders, Shetland ponies and Konik horses, a number of Wisents have been released. It is also nice to interrupt your bike ride for a walk on the Wisentenpad. This route gives you a unique opportunity to view the only herd of bison in Dutch nature at your leisure. Because these European bison can be dangerous, they are in a closed area, but if you are lucky you will see one popping up at the watering hole, where a special lookout point has been built. The area becomes extra special because the locomotive also lives here, a grasshopper species that occurs in only three places in the Netherlands.