Start straight ahead, name becomes Zeedorp. After 303 meters, go straight ahead at the side street, name becomes Zeedorp. After 570 meters, turn left at the T-junction to Kanaaldijk. After 647 meters, turn sharp right at the side street to cycle path. After 215 meters, turn sharp left at the side street, name remains cycle path. after 2.2 km. At the Y-junction, go straight ahead, name becomes driveway. After 237 meters, turn diagonally right at the intersection to Kanaaldijk. After 148 meters, go straight ahead at the end, name becomes Eendragtweg. After 473 meters, turn left at the side street to Dijkstraat. Go after 1.1 km. at the side street diagonally left to Hellegatweg. After 701 meters, turn right at the T-junction to Campensedijk. After 1.5 km. at the intersection diagonally left to Copwijkseweg. After 81 meters, go straight ahead at the side street, name becomes Campensedijk. Go after 1.0 km. at the side street diagonally right to Schaperstraat. After 375 meters, turn left at the intersection to Koning Willem III-weg. After 471 meters, go straight ahead at the intersection, name becomes Genderdijkseweg. Go after 1.7 km. at the intersection diagonally left to Veer. Go straight ahead after 612 meters at the Y-junction, name becomes Oude Zeedijk. Go after 3.6 km. Go straight on at the side street, name becomes KijkuitGa after 1.7 km. At the Y-junction, turn left, the name remains Kijkuit. Go straight after 38 meters at the side street, the name becomes Derde Verkort. After 838 meters, turn sharp right at the roundabout to Langeweg. After 97 meters, turn left at the side street. After 945 meters, turn left at the side street to Fort Ferdinandusweg. Go after 1. 6 km. At the T-junction, turn right to Axelsestraat. After 666 meters, at the Y-junction, turn diagonally right to Fortdijk. After 729 meters, turn diagonally left at the intersection to Matthijsstraat. After 1.8 km. at the T-junction diagonally left to Het ZandGo straight ahead at the intersection after 485 meters, name becomes TuinderstraatGo straight ahead after 260 meters at the end, name becomes Het ZandGa after 1.0 km. At the Y-junction, turn diagonally left to Molenweg. After 87 meters, turn sharp right at the intersection to Klapstraat. After 80 meters, turn left at the intersection to Eikenlaan. After 396 meters, turn right at the intersection to Korte Akkers. After 178 meters, turn left at the intersection to Beukenlaan. After 329 meters, turn left. At the T-junction, turn left to Berlaersstraat. After 23 meters, at the Y-junction, turn diagonally left to Wouterij. After 154 meters, go straight ahead at the 5-junction, the name becomes Emmabaan. After 711 meters, turn left at the side street to Sandersstraat. After 738 meters, turn left at the T-junction. turn right to St Andries. After 247 meters, turn left at the side street to Fort Ferdinandusweg. After 1.3 km. At the T-junction, turn diagonally left to Heidedijk. After 746 meters, turn left at the T-junction to Heidestraat. After 734 meters, turn diagonally right at the side street to Heuvelstraat. After 837 meters, turn left at the T-junction to Oud Ferdinandusdijk. After 853 meters, turn left at the T-junction. diagonally right to Tolweg. After 176 meters, turn diagonally right at the intersection to Plattendijk. After 36 meters, turn left at the side street to Fransestraat. Go after 1.1 km. At the T-junction turn left to Hogeweg. After 3.1 km. at the side street turn sharply right to Nieuwe Zeedijk. After 1.7 km. at the T-junction diagonally right to Sasdijk. After 381 meters, turn right at the side street to Klein Cambrondijk. After 1.6 km. Go straight ahead at the side street, name becomes Havikdijk. Go after 1.0 km. at the side street diagonally left to Straat van de Havikpolder. Go after 1.1 km. at the intersection turn diagonally left to Patrijzendijk. After 1.3 km. Go straight ahead at the side street, the name becomes Havendijk. After 697 meters, go straight ahead at the roundabout, the name becomes Parallelweg West. After 30 meters, go after 34 meters at the roundabout, turn diagonally right to Hulsterweg. After 47 meters, after 191 meters, turn left at the side street to Hontenissestraat. 656 meters turn left at the side street to Kwaadstraatje. After 977 meters turn right at the side street to Rietstraat. After 1.4 km. At the T-junction turn left to Zeildijk. After 1.6 km. At the side street turn left to Notendijk. Go after 1.4 km. At the side street, turn right to Molenhoek. After 502 meters, go straight ahead at the side street, name becomes Molenstraat. After 270 meters, go straight ahead at the side street, name becomes Groot Moedersdijk. Go after 1.7 km. At the side street, turn left to Hoefkensdijk. After 747 meters, go straight ahead at the side street, name becomes Meerdijk. After 477 meters, at the Y-junction, go diagonally right to Vogeldijk. After 3.5 km. At the T-junction, turn right to Kerkweg. After 370 meters, turn diagonally right at the intersection to Vogelweg. After 12 meters to, after 528 meters, turn diagonally left at the intersection to Oude Havendijk. After 7 meters to Go after 486 meters at the T-junction, diagonally left to ZuiddijkAfter 513 meters, turn right at the Y-junction to Plattedijk.After 898 meters, turn left at the side street to Koningsdijk.After 1.4 km. At the side street turn left to Hooglandsedijk. Go after 2.6 km. At the Y-junction turn left to Lageweg. After 356 meters you will reach the end of your route