Tour through Het Hurkske

North Brabant, The Netherlands

Hiking route: 1673226

Rated 5 stars out of 5
based on 1 reviews

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12.6 km
03:09 h
718 kcal
26 m


After a cup of coffee at KOKS Indoor & Outdoor Enjoying, put on your walking shoes. Just outside Koks you walk through the Hurkske, a nature reserve of about 170 hectares. A nice quiet walk through a mixed forest. The Hurkse was once a heathland area, it was planted in the first years of the twentieth century with conifers such as black pine, Norway spruce and Douglas fir. Nowadays there is more diversity, including American oaks. One moment the path winds, the next it is straight. What a change! There is an agricultural development in the middle of the forest. Every now and then you have beautiful views over the fields and fields. There are some fens in the moister parts of the forest. You walk back to your starting point via the Pandelaarse Kampen.

Height Profile

0 m50 m

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Your starting point

KOKS Binnen & Buiten Genieten

Koksedijk 25
5421 ZB Gemert-Bakel

+31 (0)492 36 15 47
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5469NG Meierijstad

VVV Boerdonk in Sport- en spelboerderij Leekzicht

5469NE Meierijstad

06 239 675 91
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5421ZC Gemert-Bakel

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Below you will find various suggestions for breaks that you can visit during your route. These are divided into different categories, making it easy for you to choose.


# Description Distance
KOKS Binnen & Buiten Genieten (Koksedijk, 5421 ZB, Gemert-Bakel, North Brabant, The Netherlands) 0.00 km
26 (5421, Gemert-Bakel, North Brabant, The Netherlands) 0.04 km
81 (5421ZK, Gemert-Bakel, North Brabant, The Netherlands) 2.91 km
80 (Walgraafseweg, 5421ZZ, Gemert-Bakel, North Brabant, The Netherlands) 3.72 km
23 (5469NG, Meierijstad, North Brabant, The Netherlands) 7.28 km
24 (Meerbosweg, 5469PL, Meierijstad, North Brabant, The Netherlands) 7.50 km


Rated 5 stars out of 5
based on 1 reviews

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