Van Gogh cycle route - Zundert

Zundert, North Brabant, The Netherlands

Cycling route: 165551

Provided by: Verwijderde gebruiker

64.0 km
03:45 h
1128 kcal
14 m


Cycle through the world of Vincent van Gogh, a 335 km tour divided into five unique routes. These routes, which can be cycled separately, start from the following Van Gogh locations: oVincent van Goghuis, Zundert (distance 60 km) oVincent van Gogh Information Centre, Etten-Leur (distance 49 km) oVincents Tekenlokaal, Tilburg (distance 51 km) oHet Noordbrabants Museum, 's-Hertogenbosch (distance 30 km) oVincentre, Nuenen (distance 51 km) Art historian Rebecca Nelemans has been studying Vincent van Gogh's Brabant period for years. She will take you to some of her favourite spots along the route: The Van Gogh church in Nuenen The Reformed church in Nuenen is popularly called the Van Gogh church. When his mother was bedridden for a while, Vincent made a beautiful painting of this church. The nice thing is that the area around the church has hardly changed. You can still recognize the atmosphere of the famous painting. Birthplace Zundert"Holy ground\\\", Jan Wolkers called it when he - already at an older age - climbed over the gate to experience Vincent's ground. Years later, a museum was set up on this spot, a platform for contemporary artists. And it is still clear how Vincent knows how to inspire even the youngest generation of artists. De Lokker and't Broek Along the way you will pass beautiful nature reserves such as De Lokker between Zundert and Etten-Leur and't Broek near Nuenen. Here you will still experience the pure Brabant countryside that Vincent was so fond of:"And the Brabant that people have dreamed of, reality sometimes comes very close to that.\\" Vincent wrote to his brother Theo in 1884.'t Spidende boerinnetje, Het Noordbrabants Museum's-Hertogenbosch Vincent made this painting as a study for the assignment he received to decorate the dining room of his friend Antoon Hermans in Eindhoven. He devised a series of paintings with the works of the land. Look how her body is bent over the spade. How she uses one hip and shoulder to exert force while digging. And how that white cap stands out against the ploughed earth. Opwettense Watermill Vincent loved the nostalgic huts with thatched roofs, which were already making way for innovation in his time. At a time when the steam engine was on the rise, Vincent studied the old watermills. The Opwettense watermill is a good example. But you can also find the Collse and Genneper watermills in the area. Vincent drew and painted them all. For more information, see:
Forest Nature Route

Height Profile


# Description Distance
3 (4881NC, Zundert, North Brabant, The Netherlands) 0.00 km
64 (4881CJ, Zundert, North Brabant, The Netherlands) 2.81 km
14 (North Brabant, The Netherlands) 5.38 km
88 (Sprundelsebaan, 4882JB, Zundert, North Brabant, The Netherlands) 7.91 km
86 (Pannenhoef, 4891TJ, Zundert, North Brabant, The Netherlands) 9.95 km
9 (Oosteindseweg, 4891TN, Zundert, North Brabant, The Netherlands) 11.25 km


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