This route takes you through the green and stream-lined surroundings of Bocholt, a town in Belgian Limburg. You cycle through rolling fields, through dense forests and through the Dommel valley, a picturesque landscape consisting of fields with hedgerows, alder swamp forests and poplar plantations. You pass through various pleasant Flemish villages and hamlets, there is always a terrace to be found where a delicious fresh Limburg pie is served. Via the course of the Zuid-Willemsvaart and the historic town of Bree, which is called the Pearl of the Kempen, you cycle to Wijshagen, a village that lies at an altitude of 70 meters on the northern edge of the Kempen Plateau. The road leads you through a quiet landscape that mainly consists of fields and meadows. A wonderful route to clear your head. North of the old village of Wijchmaal you cycle into the Dommel valley, a protected landscape. The Wedelse Molen watermill is located on the river. According to some sources, the mill already existed in the 8th century, which would mean that it is the oldest water mill in the Benelux. The banmolen was in operation as a corn mill until 1957. Since 1980, electricity has been generated using hydropower. In 1995, the mill, the lock and the bank reinforcement were given the status of protected monument. Towards the end of your route, you will drive through the Kolisbos. Originally, this was a heathland that was mainly planted with Scots pines. Nowadays, attempts are being made to give the forest, which still contains a few remnants of heathland, a more natural character. The forest is intersected by the Kolisloop, a stream where mainly birch and oak trees grow. Via the forests of Aan de Grote Fabriek, named after the gunpowder factory that once stood here at a safe distance from the built-up area, you will drive back to Bocholt.